curs cisco ccna
Organizare curs cisco ccna
Cursul Cisco CCNA poate fi organizat in format Online, Corporate sau grupa colectiva.
Exista 3 module CCNA care pot fi organizate independent sau combinat.
Contacteaza-ne pentru detalii.
Este creat de Cisco si accesibil pe Cisco Networking Academy.
Curriculumul contine video, slide-uri, simulari in Packet Tracer si alte elemente interactive.
La sfarsitul cursului CCNA vei avea cunostinte solide teoretice si practice despre modul de functionare al retelelor de calculatoare, protocoale de rutare si switching, security precum si despre configurarea echipamentelor profesionale Cisco.
Dupa promovarea examenelor online vei primi pentru fiecare modul CCNA o diploma de absolvire din partea Cisco.
La sfarsitul celor 3 module CCNA vei putea sustine certificarea CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate - beneficiind de un discount de 51%.
Curriculum Curs Cisco CCNA
Chapter 1: Exploring the Network
Chapter 2: Configuring a Network Operating System
Chapter 3: Network Protocols and Communications
Chapter 4: Network Access
Chapter 5: Ethernet
Chapter 6: Network Layer
Chapter 7: Transport Layer
Chapter 8: IP Addressing
Chapter 9: Subnetting IP Networks
Chapter 10: Application Layer
Chapter 11: It’s a Network
Chapter 1: Introduction to Switched Networks
Chapter 2: Basic Switching Concepts and Configuration
Chapter 3: VLANs
Chapter 4: Routing Concepts
Chapter 5: Inter-VLAN Routing
Chapter 6: Static Routing
Chapter 7: Routing Dynamically
Chapter 8: Single-Area OSPF
Chapter 9: Access Control Lists
Chapter 10: DHCP
Chapter 11: Network Address Translation for IPv4
Chapter 1: Introduction to Scaling Networks
Chapter 2: LAN Redundancy
Chapter 3: Link Aggregation
Chapter 4: Wireless LANs
Chapter 5: Adjust and Troubleshoot Single-Area OSPF
Chapter 6: Multiarea OSPF
Chapter 7: EIGRP
Chapter 8: EIGRP Advanced Configurations and Troubleshooting
Chapter 9: IOS Images and Licensing
Chapter 1: Hierarchical Network Design
Chapter 2: Connecting to the WAN
Chapter 3: Point-to-Point Connections
Chapter 4: Frame Relay
Chapter 5: Network Address Translation for IPv4
Chapter 6: Broadband Solutions
Chapter 7: Securing Site-to-Site Connectivity
Chapter 8: Monitoring the Network
Chapter 9: Troubleshooting the Network
Intrebari frecvente (faq)
Da. Ordinea obligatorie este CCNA1, CCNA2, CCNA3, CCNA4.
Da. Baza de date Cisco Networking Academy este comuna tuturor academiilor Cisco.
Da. Doar ca va trebui sa inveti si sa faci laboratoare singur.
In plus cursantii care termina CCNA4 primesc un discount de 51% din pretul certificarii ($325).
In acest moment pretul examenului de certificare este $325. Cursantii nostri care promoveaza CCNA4 primesc un discount de 51%.
Toate examenele aferente celor 4 module CCNA se sustin online.